Adult Friend Finder Review – How To Use It (for free) To Score

Adult Friend Finder (AFF)

$0.00-20.00 / month









User Base



  • Largest number of members for all adult dating sites
  • Comprehensive search features
  • Every imaginable demographic and adult 'activity' available
  • Can remain a free member and still meet people
  • Well-priced if you decide to get a premium membership


  • With lots of members come scammers and 'professionals'
  • Overwhelming amount of options
  • Definitely NSFW / might need tweaking or turn your sound off before joining
  • Constant ads, requests for further purchases
Bonny Albo

As someone who has used AFF on and off almost since day one, I feel I’m aptly qualified to write an Adult Friend Finder review.

Plus, I’ve learned a few tips and tricks with the service over the years, ones that have helped me meet someone without paying a penny.

How? Let’s chat.

What’s Adult Friend Finder All About?

Wanting something casual, adulterous, kinky, fantastic, or just down-to-business? AFF is the adult dating site you want to subscribe to.

Cross dressing, exhibitionism, swinging, BDSM, virtual relationships, group sex… it’s all in there.

They’re one of the first ‘adult’ dating sites out created and still remain one of the largest.

The biggest comes with some drawbacks through, as we’ll see shortly.

Signing Up With AFF

While creating a profile and logging in is the same at pretty much every dating site, the process to flesh out my profile for this Adult Friend Finder review daunted me.

There are so many options, variables and features to check off and investigate, it can take hours before you’re finished.

Every sexual act you can imagine (and a few you might have to look up) gets listed, and a ranking system to help you match with other members.

Should you fill it all out? Only if you subscribe or think you’ll have other subscribing members contacting you. Otherwise, skip what you can.

Search Features

Search options, as already discussed, are comprehensive and one-of-a-kind. Well, to the AFF network at least, which shares a database with a few other well-known dating sites (like, oddly, BigChurch).

This also means you’ll see members from other sites that might not have an interest in something adult or casual.

So, use those search options, and make sure you’ve got yours filled out if you want to enable AdultFriendFinder to its full capacity.

Look and Feel

Sleek and sexy, Adult Friend Finder offers some fun, unique offerings. From the no-holds-barred chat rooms to the teledildonics (what?), you’ve got a fresh, new feel to an age-old pursuit: sex.

Teledildonics, you say? Yes, AFF now offers their users the opportunity to control a remote sex device (usually a dildo, thus the name) in another user’s possession.

Virtual sex takes on a whole new meaning now, doesn’t it?

Before you ask: I tested online dating teledildonics well before writing this Adult Friend Finder review. They’re pretty darn interesting if you’re in a long distance relationship. Just sayin’.

Connecting With Other Members

During this review process, I found myself overwhelmed with the options, number of members and profiles seeking casual fun.

It didn’t take me long to figure out though, AFF doesn’t purge their databases – a profile I set up over seven years ago to review the site still exists, for instance.

Cancel it? It’s still there. Look at the fine print (we’ll get to that shortly) and you’ll see Adult Friend Finder can use your data, photos, and information in perpetuity. Most dating sites have this clause, few use it for so long.

So, lots of members, some from ages ago, all vying for your attention, right? Wrong. If anything, I found I had more success as a non-paying member. How? By using the 100% free chat rooms, and connecting with people there.

The chat rooms and forums used to be all free, but now, they seem to have some limitations on which ones you can access without paying. Still, they’re worth checking out.

Note: if there’s one thing you take away from this Adult Friend Finder review, let it be that you can use the site for free to connect with others via the chat rooms. Try that, first, before doing anything else.

Terms of Use and Privacy Policy

Yes, this is the dating site fine print section, the one everyone glosses over. I’ve read through all the details for this Adult Friend Finder review for you – but please, check it before subscribing, just in case something else popped in there since I wrote this.

  • By signing up with Adult Friend Finder, you agree that you’ve never been convicted of a felony and don’t need to register as a sex offender, anywhere;
  • You understand that by signing up, you’ll be exposed to “adult” content (basically, unfiltered videos and images of sex);
  • Any images, videos or information that you post to AFF gives AFF the copyright to do whatever they want with it, forever;
  • You use the site for “noncommercial” reasons;
  • Adult Friend Finder uses automatic billing, which means your credit card will get charged the full amount for the same subscription time at the end of your subscription if you don’t cancel well in advance;
  • Don’t log in for 180+ days? You might get dinged a $5 “account maintenance fee”; and
  • You cannot join a class action lawsuit against the company if you subscribe to their services.

Nothing new or exciting in there, but worth knowing.

How Much Does Adult Friend Finder Cost?

Anyone can register for free, like most dating sites. Only paid members however can send emails or instant messages, create videos and share or view them, and a host of other activities that make the site worth your time and money. You’ll also find the comprehensive search options very limited if you stay on the free plan.

When I signed up years ago as a single woman, they often gave me free, unlimited access. While that still happens in some areas and demographics, it’s become more and more rare; I’ve yet to hear of any freebie accounts this year, for instance.

If you sign up with the service, you’ll pay $20 USD a month for most of their plans, except the year-long investment, where prices drop to $15 USD a month (paid in one installment of $180 USD).

One more important thing to note: there are a few things you require extra credits for to access on AFF, including the sexual education courses and most of the professional adult videos.

The Bottom Line on this Adult Friend Finder Review

Most folks skip to this bit. I’m wordy, I get it. Just read the section about the Terms of Use up there; I’ve done the hard lifting for you.

Regardless, Adult Friend Finder works, because it connects people looking for casual encounters. Sadly, there aren’t nearly enough “amateurs” on the site, meaning, many of the single women (or, at least the accounts saying they’re single women) will just try to get you off the site to buy their latest movie or whatever it is they’re trying to sell.

How do you get around this? Sign up, flesh out your profile, and then head on over the forums. Search for local-to-you postings and make yourself known. While it might be tricky to get any email replies without signing up, just wait until AFF sends you discount coupons, then use one of those for a short stint to exchange contact information.

Just, buyer beware: like I said before, you’ll want to read those Terms of Service, which gives Adult Friend Finder the right to re-bill you automatically for the full amount at the end of your subscription.

Easily fixed, just set up a reminder on your phone or computer for 5 days prior to the re-billing date to cancel.

Do I recommend AFF? Yes, with caveats. The site works (I’ve met countless real people over the years using it), but you need to know how to work it so it works for you.

Share in the comments your experiences, suggestions, and Adult Friend Finder reviews. Have I missed something crucial? Let me know below and I’ll investigate.

37 thoughts on “Adult Friend Finder Review – How To Use It (for free) To Score”

  1. Cost








    User Base


    I live out in the country and there were very few members within 45 miles of me. 90% of the ones who do live close to me are couples wanting a guy and woman to swing with. I am a single guy and I don’t have a girlfriend to swing with (or I wouldn’t have been interested in this website). Furthermore having a woman’s husband/boyfriend in the same room with me while I’m doing his wife doesn’t appeal to me, that seems kind of creepy. So that’s not an option. The women close to me didn’t ever respond to my emails and IMs. Even though in their profiles they claimed they would respond to all emails. I got hundreds of emails from fake women nowhere close to me saying they wanted to meet me. What they wanted was for me to sign up for websites that required money or for me to send them Google Play or ITunes cards. Lol. I also talked in the chat room with a woman who said she was near me , at first she acted interested, then she wanted me to sign up and register on a “free” website to verify I wasn’t a rapist or violent criminal. When I signed up (which require typing in my debit card number) I was charged $29.99 every day for about a week from different websites attached to the one I registered on. I finally had to cancel that card and get a new one issued. And after registering I never heard from that woman again. So my membership fee was a waste of time and money. I never met a single legitimate woman who wanted to be laid.

    1. Editor: I’d say… it’s not that easy in the ‘real world’ to find women that ‘want to get laid’, so finding them online isn’t going to get much easier. Also, never, ever sign up for anything that a person on a dating site links to, I guarantee you 100% it’s always, ALWAYS a scam.

  2. I’m glad I read all that Pacers seems like there’s some trusting people out there knows what you’re talking about reason why I know what to look for thanks for printing it.

  3. I don’t see why guys always say the site is a scam cause they don’t get laid lol! Pussy is not gonna fall in you damn lap! I use to be on like 8 years ago and scored a couple of times. And I signed up for AdultFriendFinder when I came back stateside recommended by a friend. I got a female like within 2 weeks then I closed my page. Signed back up like 3 months ago and scored with two ladies. Still got my profile but I’m not paying for the premium now so I can’t read the message, but don’t be on there all the time. I usually can tell from the fake profiles. I mean it’s some fake ones on there I know that for sure, cause it’s like spam want you to go to these other dating sites or cam sites. But a lot of guys just don’t know how to talk to a female. We all understand the site and what it’s for. Just cause a female has photos with here showing her breast and vagina don’t mean she is obligated to give you some. Because most guys don’t know how to arouse a woman mentally. Then it don’t make it no better that when the guy gets mad he wanna call her every kind of name like that’s gonna make just hand you the vagina on a silver platter smh! Yea you have fake ones but it’s not a scam site you have more men on the site then you have actual women. Because men think just cause you sign up for the site you just get laid immediately. Naw not gonna happen. Plus, if you don’t meet that female standards with you can read what she is looking for on her profile which a lot of guys don’t do. They bypass that and look at the naked photos and videos and just send a sleazy message. Overall I give the site good reviews, because I know what to expect and know that I’m not gonna be swimming in Vagina but good enough to get me laid.

  4. Years ago I used this site and it was great. You connected with real people, you had access to many photos and cams, the chat rooms were fantastic…..then the ashley madison debacle and things went south.
    Users fled, quality dropped. It’s fun to occasionally peek on there the potentially find someone by winking or chat room, but with the better quality sites, I’d stay away.

  5. adult freind finder is totally fake. i signed in for memebership and my mail box was like full just like the other review said. i am just sad i didnt read it sooner 🙁 . wasted $50 for nothing. mostly cam and probably website created women profiles . any how . do not waste your money here.

  6. Don’t give them your credit card. Expensive for what you get, and after you cancel they will continue to charge your card.

  7. great place to hang out.. Will be recommending this site to my friends.. i am sure that they gonna enjoy as well

  8. Adult Friend Finder is a total scam. After joining as a standard member my email box was flooded with messages from ‘available’ women. Of course you had to pay to read them. For giggles I did only to find everyone of the ‘available’ women were fake. At least 50% of the women on cam are soliciting from professional pay per view sites. I would guess that 70% of the accounts are fake, created only to generate interest. The instant messaging service is a running joke amongst those in the chat rooms as it works maybe 25% of the time. I don’t think I received another email from anyone until my membership was about to expire at which time it flooded again with fake solicitations. Don’t waste your time or money.

  9. I recently joined AFF as a standard member and decided I would browse the members first to see how many there were in my area and how many I would be interested in meeting. I couldnt check out the profiles of these ‘members’ unless I joined, which meant I had no clue how many were even active profiles or who and what they were looking for. In these first days I received a ‘Friends’ request from a woman I was willing to strike up a conversation with so I signed up…….. only to find that the woman who sent the request hadn’t actually been logged on for over a month!!!! When I sent an enquiry to the help desk I was ignored and it was only when I threatened them with legal action for fraud and missrepresentation that they decided to refund my fees. I found the whole experience excruciating……. no interest from anyone in my area (despite paying extra for a highlighted profile) or indeed from anyone in my country!! Loads of interest from ‘brides seeking passport’ types and the ubiquitous ‘cam pimps’! I cant speak from a womans perspective because I couldnt be bothered to post a female profile but if you are a guy then don’t touch this lot with a stick unless you want endless frustration and less money in your account than you started with!!

  10. My husband and I aren’t hardcore swingers. In fact, I dare to even call ourselves swingers, since we don’t do the party scene or meet couples to swap. We like threesomes and we’ve met several guys and a couple of women for exactly that. So, for us it works in that sense. Keep in mind though, we’ve been members of the site for a few years and for the ones we do meet, we remain friends. Single women have the pick of the litter, but there are so many men who lie, are chicken, expect too much, have problems distinguishing reality from fantasy, etc, so it can be just as frustrating as it is for the guys sorting through the hoards of fake women. Couples tend to be problematic or insecure resulting in drama for all. Honestly, it’s not ideal – it’s a website designed to make someone else tons of money but compared to other websites for the same purpose, it attracts more people has more features and is best known in “”the community””. Be careful, have fun and try meeting people in real life.

  11. I have utilized this website in the past and there are a lot of profiles with old photos and inaccurate information such as age and actual location of the persons profile. I have met a few people and there always seems to be a disconnected between what we talked about before the meeting and what they are actually capable of sexually. More often than not I have been disappointed in the people I have met.

  12. You get emails and flirts from people 2000 miles away from you. Really i’m in Ohio and a girl from Australia is so hot to meet me LMAO. All i can say is save your money.

  13. Men beware! You can’t do much in terms of chatting with other members, or viewing their profiles unless you sign up as a gold or silver member, cost is approx. $30 +. Getting your profile viewed by gays or trans sexuals gave me an uneasy feeling. The unlimited amount of flirts and nonsense from the women trying to promote their webcam sites grows old in a hurry, with as many as 20+ a day. The auto-renew feature works even after you’re sure you turned it off! There are countless old profiles still in the database that have not been active for many months. This site requires an overhaul by the administrators, but then again they are probably making easy money with the auto-renew feature. I won’t waste my time or money with this site again!

  14. User names show up in google searches for anyone to see. I immediately disabled and erase my account. When I tried to contact them about the issue they were unable to help me.

  15. First the bad…lots of fakes, foreign-looking-for-a-husband types, but they’re pretty easy to spot after a time. I’ve heard there’s lots of hookers but never came across anyone like that. And they charged my card about a year after I quit the site. Just cancelled the card and had another re-issued. You will spend a lot of time looking and emailing. Lots of abandoned accounts. Ratio of guys to women is astronomical, confirmed by women I corresponded with….women get hundreds of emails a day, so many they turn off their profiles…I would maybe get one or two if lucky. I did encounter some great women. One bailed, ouch, others were just email / chat buddies, one I bailed on, and one I met several times. If you work hard you’ll meet people and eventually find what you like. Patience is a virtue 🙂

  16. My friend recomended this site to me a couple of years ago and I’ve been off and on it ever since!! I’m a standard member but as a female I can view profiles, use the instant messanger and reply to mail. There are quite a few of in active profiles on there, but it’s easy to see if thats the case because it tells you at the top of all profiles when that person was last online, there are fake profiles too, but after a week or so it’s quite easy to spot them, I live in a smallish town but have still found plenty of people in my area, there is a much higher number of men compared to women, which means the men do have to make there mail origonal to get a response and actually reading the womans profile to see what it is she’s after and if you match would be a good idea too, but if your persistant and can hold a conversation then this site can be lots and lots of fun 🙂

  17. So I was getting a divorce, was kinda lonely, and decided to give AFF a try. Of course, their “”free”” membership has so many restrictions as to almost be worthless, so I figured I’d plop down a few bucks and sign up for the “”Gold”” membership. Worth a try, right? Whoopee, now I can view everyone, send bunches of e-mail messages, and all kinda of other stuff. My observations: 1) At least 95% of the profiles on there are completely fake (at least if you’re a guy looking for women). If you send out 20 messages, you’ll hear back from about 3 of ’em, and 2 of them will have the exact same (hardly changing) auto-response, telling you Whew, the week flew by! They’re looking forward to the weekend, to email them at [someusername] that’s at hot mail. It’s connected to their phone so they can respond often. They look forward to hearing what you wanna do, and what you wanna do afterward. Blah blah. It sounds really neat until you read the same message for the 5th time from the 5th different user. If you respond to them all they want you to do is sign up for some other “”paid”” site where you can finally talk to them. No thanks. 2) Of the few that do give you original responses, at least 2 of the 3 are still trying to con you. I was exchanging e-mails for most the weekend with one nice lady (getting to know each other), she was telling me all about this business trip she was on in England (and couldn’t wait to get back so she could meet me). Then she tells me she’s all-of-a-sudden stranded there, her purse was stolen and she needs me to wire her $600 to get home. She’ll pay me back (she trusts me so much and thinks I’m such a sweetheart!) when she gets home and we finally meet. I told her to call her own bank back at home (right?), and she sent me another e-mail… ignoring my suggestions… asking for $300 instead. I checked the full headers of the e-mails we’d been exchanging, and every one of her messages originated from various Yahoo! servers in Sunnyvale, CA. I instantly put “”her”” (if it was even a woman) on permanent ignore. What a waste of time. 3) All (and I mean ALL) of the photos and video clips of hot women on the homepage that you see–from your hometown–are fake. Every one of ’em. Their usernames (if you do a search for ’em) don’t even exist. 4) All that being said, there are a few real people on there, and they’re not all dogs (although most of ’em are). I did actually hook up in person a couple times, and had a good time of it. So it wasn’t a complete loss for me, I guess. But it was a lot more time wasted than it was worth, I think. It’d be nice if such a site existed where the website itself wasn’t trying to rip you off in every way possible. My suggestion if you wanna try ’em out anyway… use a PayPal “”one-time”” CC number to sign up (so they can’t keep recharging it), create a new e-mail address, and use a completely fake name, DON’T GIVE ANY PERSONAL INFO TO ANYONE THERE. If you do get lucky enough to meet someone in person, then tell ’em your real first name and have a good time of it. Best of luck to you.

  18. Let’s face it… is not just a regular dating site where regular people go to find the love of their life. What it IS excellent for, however, is for singles or couples of any persuasion to browse around, view other peoples’ photos and personal videos and/or webcasts… it’s basically a voyeur/exhibitionist’s heaven. Once you play around with your settings, you’re able to initiate chats, respond to chats initiated toward you, and change search settings. You can choose who sees your stuff, and it’s actually a pretty positive atmosphere… I’ve seen a lot of really supportive and positive commentary going on. Was an excellent way for me to gain some confidence with people who I know I’d never have to meet, and put a lot of fun and spice into my marriage. Really glad we found it. The person who was disappointed in the lack of dating aspect… it’s like that for ANY pay “”dating”” site out there… this is not a site for people looking for relationships where sexuality isn’t discussed. That’s why it’s called “”Adult”” Friend Finder.

  19. Works for us. We have a free membership to AFF, and even with the restrictions, we’ve been more than satisfied, pardon the pun. Yes there are a lot of people who are just there to gawk, we have met several times with people seeking the sme thing we’re seeking. Not every time is a perfect match but what is? We can see streaming video, email others on site and exchange pics. Its worked well for us, we think the people who don’t like it have their sights set too hi or, in our personal experience, don’t have a firm grasp of how they really look.

  20. Try it! For one month, then go from there. I did it in November – December 2005 & I had great results, but that was luck to be perfectly honest. I think a lot of the people think that the idea is great but when it actually came right down to it they got scared when it was time to meet. I just recently resigned up November – December 2008 & got less stelllar. It’s not the site that’s a rip off it’s the people, you can meet amazing people but it’s just the luck of the draw. It’s hard to meet people anyone & meeting people for sex, even if there intrested they can get gunshy and flakey. Like I said try it for the one month price, REMEMBER to set your auto-renew to off because it automatically turns it on for you. And if you don’t get results than at least you tried.

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