Adam4Adam Review – Great Gay Dating Site?

Adam 4 Adam

Mostly Free









User Base

Bonny Albo

Before writing my initial Adam4Adam review in 2007, I’d never heard of the very racy, adult gay dating site. Since then, however, it’s topped my best free gay dating site lists for years, and has often made it to the top free dating site list.

Why? Let’s delve and find out.

Sign-Up Process

Straightforward and simple, you’re asked for the basics (user name, password, email), a few details (age, height, weight), your location and profile. The last bit, I can’t imagine people using Adam4Adam really flesh it out much; the box is tiny. A few more verification details and you’re in.

We’ll go through the Fine Print shortly, but there’s a link to it before singing up as well.

Look and Feel

Sex, and ads. Honestly? That’s about it. As Adam4Adam encourages “professionals” to sign up, there’s an awful lot of very graphic and, um, honest visuals going on. I like the pro feature (called My ProAd) – it doesn’t stop “massage therapists” and “photographers” from signing up and advertising their wares. Plus, it gives them full, legal access to do so.

When I first wrote an Adam4Adam review, this wasn’t an option. Instead, like Adult Friend Finder, it was full of obvious profiles selling something other than, uh, friendship. So this switch over to the My ProAd feature helped. Or, at least it made a huge difference (as a woman, pretending to be a man to write this Adam4Adamn gay dating site review).


Well, let’s be honest: this site is for hookups. That’s it. No one signs up with Adam4Adam looking for love — although I guess it’s possible. (I’ve yet to hear of it in almost a decade). With that in mind, the search features work well.

Where Adam4Adam shines though is their Visitor feature. I travel full time, and I find it a huge pain with most dating sites, to the point of just not using them. Many (like Match) require you to sign up and pay in different countries or geographic locations. Yuck. Adam4Adam though lets you put your profile to Visitor, so you can list where you’re headed and for how long. While not perfect for long term explorers like myself, it’s a great feature for a free dating site.

There’s also “Location-Aware Browsing”, available in both the apps and the browser versions. To turn it on, go to My Account and alter your visibility there.

The Fine Print

Like every dating site, there’s a bit of fine print to read before you sign up. Like every dating site review I write, I cover what you need to know. So, here goes:

  • You must be 18 to sign up with Adam4Adam;
  • By posting anything to the site, you give A4A full copyright to do whatever they want with it; and
  • If you sign up for the VIP membership, Adam4Adam will automatically rebill you at the end of the term for the same amount of time. To change this, go to My Account and look at your Settings.

Details and Demographics

According to FindTheData in late 2016, Adam4Adam gets 9.7 million page views a month – 23 times more than the average dating site. The site is comprised of 100% men (not surprisingly), 74% have no children, 37% is 35-44, 43% is black, and 55% make less than $49,999 a year.

Membership Costs

It’s completely free to join Adam4Adam, with zero need to pay for anything to share a credit card number if you want to talk to other members via chat or email. If you’d like a bigger email queue, want to block more than 150 people, and access the My ProAd section, you’ll need to subscribe to VIP. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find out how much VIP access is – perhaps someone can comment and share if they’ve used it.

Paying shows up as SEGPAY.COM@A4A Network on your credit card for privacy purposes.

The Bottom Line On This Adam4Adam Review

A4A offers a well-used website for gay men looking for casual dating, no strings attached relationships or hot chat sessions. It’s completely worth the price (free!), with lots of men to choose from. I honestly couldn’t find much to fault the site for, other than perhaps the overtly sexual feel and tone. As long as you know what you’re in for before signing up though, this bit shouldn’t matter.

Have you used the site? Met anyone? Any tips or suggestions? I’d love to hear your thoughts, just scroll down to share your own Adam4Adam review in the comments.

1 thought on “Adam4Adam Review – Great Gay Dating Site?”

  1. A great site especially if you on the down low .Sure like many sites there a lot of flakers on there but all in all had a great sexual experiences of there.

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